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'Sowon' Begins Her First Solo Asia Fan Meeting Tour (Planned by Union Pictures)

SOWON 1st FANMEETING POSTER / Photo provided : Union Pictures

Exciting news has been introduced to global K-pop fans. Sowon, a member of the K-pop idol group GFRIEND, will be hosting her first solo Asia fan meeting tour since her debut.

The fan meetings will take place in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, and are expected to provide a special opportunity for Sowon to directly connect with her fans as a solo artist.A large-scale online and offline promotion is planned for this fan meeting.

Through this event, Sowon plans to express her gratitude to her global fans who have supported her since her days with GFRIEND and share her passion for her solo activities.

The fan meeting will feature a variety of stage performances and special events, creating unforgettable memories for the fans.

Sowon expressed her excitement, stating, “I am very happy to have the opportunity to personally thank the fans who have waited for me for so long,” and added, “I hope this fan meeting will be a special time for both me and the fans.”

In addition, Sowon has recently starred in the movie "Atom: A New Beginning" and is expanding her activities in films, dramas, and variety shows.This project was planned and funded by Union Pictures, led by CEO Kwon Tae-ho, and fan meeting tickets are expected to go on sale starting in August, with fans eagerly anticipating the event.

SOWON / Photo provided : Union Pictures

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